News and Announcements
In Memoriam
Special Thanks
• To the Church Grounds Maintenance Team: Miriam Mitchell, Jana Zimmerman, Jeanne Weir, Kurt and Kelly Blum, Joe and Bev Mueller, John and Christa Karrels, and Mike Dimmer. This is the second year these folks have adopted a flower bed and maintained it from summer to fall.
• To Eva Perez and her friends for cleaning the church Sanctuary in preparation for our first in-person Sunday morning worship service.
• To Holly Ternes for serving as a Parent Helper for Confirmation Class on Sunday evening, April 25.
• To Jeanne Mantsch, Terry McManus, Terry Sdun, and Jane Spalding for cooking and assembling meals for our Family Promise guests who stayed at the Chalet Motel on Monday, April 19.
• To Diana Pasten for serving as a Parent Helper for our first in-person Confirmation Class on Sunday evening, April 11.
• To Mike Dimmer for trimming all the shrubs along the perimeter of the church, cleaning out flower beds, and power washing the church sign and entryway.
"Congregational Connections" E-Newsletter
March 7, 2021
February 24, 2021
February 3, 2021
January 27, 2021
January 20, 2021
January 13, 2021
January 6, 2021
December 30, 2020
December 22, 2020
November 1, 2020
October 21, 2020
October 14, 2020
After suspending our church services for over a year, we are pleased to report that our Sanctuary opened for in-person worship on Sunday morning, May 2! We invite you to join us for one service (for the time being) at 9:00 on Sunday mornings!
You may click here to sign up to attend worship this coming Sunday, May 9. An e-blast will be sent every Wednesday with a sign-up link for the upcoming Sunday. Should the sign-up become full, please contact Beckie and she will add your name(s) for the following Sunday. This will also allow us to evaluate interest and know when to resume two services.
The Sunday worship service will be recorded each week; if you would like to view the service as soon as it is uploaded, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel ("First Congregational Church of Port Washington"). This allows you to receive immediate notification.
Click here to view the entire May "Congregational Connections" monthly e-newsletter. Or, you can click on specific pages:
Pages 1 & 2: Pastor Scott's Lead Article
Page 3: Reopening!
Page 4 : Men's Breakfast and Lay Readers
Page 5: Confirmation Sunday on May 23
Page 6: Financials and June 27 Meeting and Brat Fry
Page 7: Cookie Delivery Update
Page 8: Little Free Library and Justice Team Updates
Page 9: May Scripture Passages
Pages 10 & 11: Spotlight on Lighthouse Youth Ministry
Pages 12-14: April 2021 Church Council Minutes
Page 15: Church Grounds and Lighthouse Info
Pages 16 & 17: May Calenday and B-days & Anniversaries
Page 18: Church Contact Information
Every Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m. a committed group of gentlemen from the church gather at The Beacon restaurant, which is located downtown on the first floor of The Harborview hotel. Ken Matthews has been their faithful facilitator, sending out email reminders to the men who have joined them previously. The group stopped meeting when the pandemic forced closure of area restaurants and has been meeting again as restrictions have eased over the last couple of months. Pastor Scott joins the group every other week or so.
The group is open to all the men of the church. Everyone places their own order and pays their own bill. The conversation is filled with laughter, stories, tall tales, anecdotes as well as the latest updates on what folks are doing and how things are going. It is a great way to spend an hour (or two) and begin your day.
If you are interested in attending, you are welcome to just come on down and join the group. Or, you can send Ken an email if you have questions and to make sure you are on his email reminder list (
Maybe we will see you at breakfast this month!
On Wednesday, April 7, the Wednesday Noon Group met as the first small group to start meeting again at the church. We are excited that small groups can meet in-person again.
If you are interested in being a part of the Wednesday Noon Group, please call or email the church office to reserve your spot each week. At this time, we can only have nine participants, plus Pastor Scott. The group will discuss the Lectionary scripture passages for the coming Sunday morning worship. In keeping with Reopening Team guidelines, the group will meet in Fellowship Hall (staying socially distanced), will wear masks, and will not eat food.
Good news! We have PayPal up and running to help make giving to the church as easy as can be. You will see the PayPal button on the home page. Please contact us if you have any questions or any problems using this new giving feature.
You might be interested to know that Pastor Scott is conducting a Confirmation program for our current 8th graders with the expectation they will be confirmed on May 23rd, Pentecost Sunday. They were able to meet in-person for the first time at their Sunday evening, April 11th class. Please be thinking of these individuals as they continue their Confirmation journey: Brady Calder, Gabe Chandler, Hope Gilhooly, Cash Mantsch, James Mitchell, Sam Pasten, Carter Schlehlein and Mya Ternes.
Click here to view the entire April "Congregational Connections" monthly e-newsletter. Or, you can click on specific pages:
Pages 1 & 2: Pastor Scott's Lead Article and Wed. Noon Group
Page 3: Holy Week Information
Page 4 & 4A: Palm Sunday Photos
Page 5: Lenten Connections Recap
Page 6: Moderator Message, Thanks, Layreaders Wanted
Page 7: Financial Update and PayPal
Page 8: Confirmation Class Trip to Holy Hill
Page 9: Camps, Thanks, WCUCC Virtual Choir
Pages 10-12: Reopening Updates
Pages 13-15: Property Team Spotlight
Page 16: Justice Invite, WCUCC Greeting, PPS Enrollment
Pages 17-20: March 2021 Church Council Minutes
Page 20: April Scripture Passages
Page 21: Thank You to Readers and Musicians
Page 22: PSA - Preventing Falls Seminar
Page 23: PSA - School Supply Drive
Page 24: Our Church Bulletin Board
Page 25: April Calendar
Page 26: April Birthdays and Anniversaries
Our pastor, Rev. Dr. Scott McLeod, has enjoyed a great start here at our church. Scott invites you to call or email anytime, his new email address is
If you have a chance, check out the two newspaper articles on Pastor Scott's transition:
Ozaukee Press - FCC welcomes new pastor on Jan. 1
Elkhorn Independent -
Pastor takes a leap of faith
And, for your enjoyment, check out two videos that Pastor Scott and his wife, Rev. Laura McLeod, have recorded together:
Rappin' with Rev. Laura featuring Scott McLeod (Feb. 2021)
Virtual Meet and Greet with Pastor Scott and Rev. Laura
(recorded the week before Call Weekend back in Sept. 2020)