Dear Friends,
The work of our church can happen because of the generous financial and volunteer support of our faith community. Because of YOU our church changes lives.
While there are many ways to support the congregation, we ask everyone to think in a prayerful way about the choices we make financially in support of our church.
We invite you to review the Stewardship materials enclosed and help us reach our budget goals by making a formal pledge. Our church is in a difficult financial position as we plan for next year. However, we remain hopeful that our ministry will continue to transform people’s lives, just as it has done for the past 125 years!
Our team will present testimonials about how our congregation changes lives. Each of us will be challenged to take bold steps to invest more of who we are to become the church God is calling us to be. Everyone will be encouraged to reflect upon the many ways our church has made an impact on our own lives and those around us. While the challenges are real, this is also a time of great possibility.
The Stewardship Team
Where does the pledged money go?
Our yearly financial budget is needed to support a laundry list of foundational church items including miniter salary and benefits, hourly staff, maintenance of our church property, insurance, fire protection, elevator maintenance, office supplies, accounting fees, cleaning, utilities and the list goes on. Our budget is also needed to support programs such as Christian Education, music, and liturgy.
I initially came to First Congregational Church more than 20 years ago. Not for a Sunday morning service, but for the founding meeting of what became the Ozaukee Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. During that meeting and several to follow, I realized I was in a place that not only reached out to the community in productive, active, and meaningful ways, I was also in a place that lived its faith.
Our family started attending services here, finding this to be an inclusive church that does not see itself as a gatekeeper to faith or full participation. It welcomes people at all stages in their journey. It is most evident to me on Communion Sundays when we truly have an open table. All are invited and served, no questions asked. I have grown to appreciate that more than I ever expected. We are an open and affirming church that is accessible to all!
At this church, we can have deep conversations about the role of faith in the community. We can seek justice for those marginalized in our community. We can openly question how we best live out the lessons of scripture in our lives. We can have difficult conversations with each other without feeling threatened or belittled. We can have very different views but still greet each other with genuine warmth. We can struggle together to find answers to what troubles us. We can question the meaning of our faith and our place in the world without fear. We can raise our voices in song and prayer - admitting our shortcomings, seeking guidance, and uplifting those around us as well as those we will never meet.
Where else can we do all these things?
-Craig Modahl
If you have any questions about stewardship, email the church office and we will forward your message to the Stewardship Team.