

About Us

About First Congregational Church

About United Church
of Christ

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Ongoing Outreach

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Our Ongoing Outreach

Here are the six service organizations that we support on an ongoing basis:

Advocates of Ozaukee County – Advocates is an agency that provides services for those who may be experiencing domestic or sexual violence.

Balance – Balance, Inc. is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities.

Family Promise of Ozaukee County - Family Promise works to rebuild lives with compassion by providing resources and services to individuals and families at risk of homelessness in Ozaukee County.
Learn More Here

Habitat for Humanity Ozaukee – Habitat partners with people in our community to help them build or improve a place they call home.

Ozaukee Family Services – OFS is a non-profit agency that serves all of Ozaukee County with a mission of “Improving lives to help individuals and families succeed.” All services are free or offered on a sliding fee scale – no one is ever turned away because of the inability to pay.

Port Washington Food Pantry – The Food Pantry, Inc. is a charitable, non-profit, volunteer-run organization that receives financial contributions, nutritious supplemental food, clothing and household items from individuals and groups. They redistribute items once per week with dignity to qualifying individuals and families.
Learn More Here