Our faith is 2000 years old. Our thinking is not.
We believe in God’s continuing testament. This is why we are committed to hearing God’s ancient story anew and afresh in our lives and in the world today. We try to remain attentive to God’s creative movement in the world. Religion and science and not mutually exclusive, and your head and heart are both welcomed into our place of worship. We prepare our members and leaders to be engaged in ministry in the present and future church, and we embrace all kinds of communities and new modes of thinking. Why? Because God is still speaking,
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
We believe in extravagant welcome. This is why we insist that God’s communion table is open, not closed, and God’s gift and claim in baptism are irrevocable. We advocate justice for all. Our congregations extend hospitality as a sign of God’s inclusive love. We teach that evangelism – offering bread to those in search for it – is God’s mission. Our perspective is global, not provincial. We work with – not against – people of other faiths. Why? Because God is still speaking,
Never place a period where God has placed a comma.
We believe the church’s mission is to change lives – individually, systemically and globally. We work to make transformation possible, but trust in God’s grace. This is why we insist that churches must be places of vitality in worship, learning and advocacy. We are committed to working for justice, and we believe that lives are changed through global experiences and friendships. Why? Because God is still speaking,
Isn’t it time for religion with relevance? You’re invited. Join us in the United Church of Christ.
We’re not a perfect church, but we try to be faithful. We are known for arriving early on issues of inclusivity and justice. We were the first to ordain an African American pastor (1785), a woman (1853), an openly gay person (1972), and the first to affirm same-gender marriage equality (2005). We believe faith requires tenderness and courage, a kind of big love that is committed to changing people’s lives – in our churches, but also in the world around us. We call it religion with relevance. Why? Because God is still speaking,