Welcome to First Congregational Church!
We hold one service on Sunday mornings at 9:00.
Head to our News and Announcements page for more information.
First Congregational Church has a long history of providing a unique religious presence in Port Washington, Wisconsin. Part of our heritage has been to continually strive to be an open and inclusive community of faith. We have officially declared ourselves to be a Safe Sanctuary,
Accessible to All (A2A), and Open and Affirming (ONA).
First Congregational Church is also known as a theologically progressive community of faith.
What that means is that we do not read the Bible literally. Instead, we seek to celebrate the power of symbolic and religious language, the language of poetry and metaphor.
The words of our Church Covenant proclaim:
Depending upon the teachings and life of Jesus for inspiration and guidance, we promise to seek to
love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength and with all our mind,
and to love our neighbors as ourselves.