News and Announcements
Special Thanks
• To the Karrels Family for providing Nursery Care on Sunday morning, March 15.
• To the Roehrig and White families for hosting Fellowship Hour after the 10:00 service on Sunday morning, March 8.
• To Tessa Yandry and her family for providing Nursery Care on Sunday morning, March 8.
• To Savannah Anderson, Sarah Bloemer, Jennifer Dimmer, Tina Olson, Dawn Rychtik, Shandy Roehrig and Joe and Grace Wilsnack, members of our Church School Team, who conducted our Church School Sunday in March. Special thanks to Jane Spalding for teaching the kids about Lent. The kids made cootie catchers and a special prayer wall on the bulletin board.
• To everyone who supported our commitment to Family Promise the first week in March: David Franks, Jeanne and Dave Mantsch, Terry McManus, Louise Mollinger, and Matt and Sarah Riemer.
• To Lyle and Bev Falk for hosting Fellowship Hour after the 8:00 service on Sunday morning, March 1.
• To Austin Lemke and his family for providing Nursery Care on Sunday morning, March 1.
• To Rev. Don Niederfrank, our Minister of Visitation, for joining Pastor Jim in serving Communion at the 10:00 service on the first Sunday of each month.
• To Brett Dimmer and Sherri Melichar for providing special music at the Ash Wednesday service.
• To Tracy Bretl and Phil Stepanski for volunteering to become our new stained glass hangers. Special thanks to them for changing the windows and cross in time for our Ash Wednesday service.
• To the Church Council for providing a Soup and Salad lunch, and to the folks who brought a dish to pass, for our third Lunch and Holy Conversations on Sunday, February 23.
• To Peter Muehleis for sharpening many of the dull knives in the church kitchen.
• To Lorraine Halls and Peter Muehleis for serving as Counters on the first Sunday of each month.
• To Claude Zimmerman and Joe Mueller for installing a wooden bumper on the back of the piano in Fellowship Hall to protect the wall.
All church services and programs are suspended at this time. As you know, this is an evolving situation and we will keep you updated as best we can.
Pastor Jim wants to emphasize that we will still be doing church, but in creative, new ways! First Congregational Church will continue to provide spiritual guidance and care. We welcome you to call or email if you have any pastoral needs or questions.
Click here for an article written by Pastor Jim to our church congregation on March 18.
As a way to stay connected while our church services and activities are suspended, we are pleased to provide you with our YouTube video series, Worship in the Gap. Pastor Jim will be joined regularly by Rev. Don Niederfrank. Jim and Don will discuss a whole variety of things: relevant thoughts on the scripture, ways to grow spiritually during this time, book suggestions, church announcements and much more. Huge thanks to Brett Dimmer for producing the series!
Click on the link below to view
Episode One: Excerpts from our Church Service on March 15
Click on the link below to view
Episode 2: Jim and Don Discuss John 4
Click on the link below to view
Episode 3: Baptismal Heresy
Click on the link below to view
Episode 4: Man Born Blind
Click on the link below to view
Episode 5: Harold Kushner's Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned About Life
Click on the link below to view
Episode 6: Jim & Don discuss why they became ministers
Click on the link below to view
Episode 7: Sunday Service
Click on the link below to view
Episode 8: Gap Chat
Jim explains "Interim Ministry"
Click on the link below to view
Episode 9: A Search Committee Update from Joe Mueller, Chair of the Search Committe
Click on the link below to view
Episode 10: Palm Sunday
Click on the link below to view
Episode 11: Maundy Thursday
Thank you to the handful of folks who stayed after church for our annual Special Congregational Meeting on March 15. If you were unable to attend, please take a look at the Meeting Report prepared by Jeanne Mantsch, our Associate Moderator.
The United Church of Christ offers a free Daily Devotional as part of the national UCC website. If you are interested in a short but inspiring message to begin your day, you may register to have the devotional sent right to your email or mobile device. Just click here to register!
Since we will not be conducting church services in the coming weeks, we wanted to let you know that you can drop off your pledge payments by using our mail slot to the right of our Webster Street entrance. Or you can simply mail it to the church. Thank you!
Thank you to those of you who have made a financial pledge to support the church this year. Unfortunately, we are quite short of our goal. For those of you who have yet to turn in your pledge, please do so as soon as possible. For those of you who have already pledged, the Church Council is inviting you to make a one time financial gift, or a pledge increase, to help off-set the shortfall. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Church Office, we will put you in touch with the Church Council or our Financial Administrator, Owen Madson.
Stewardship Page
Our church partners with four other churches in Port Washington and Saukville to support the Lighthouse Youth Ministry for middle and high schoolers. To learn more about the group, visit their website and check out Lighthouse - Port Washington Saukville Ecumenical Youth Ministry on Facebook.
Our Interim Minister, Rev. James McKenzie, began serving the church the first week of November. Jim has enjoyed meeting each of you, and invites you to call or stop by anytime.
As many of you know, Jeff retired at the end of October. His last Sunday was October 27. He will be missed beyond words!
Jeff's Farewell Letter