News and Announcements
Special Thanks
• To the Chancel Choir for providing Special Music for our 8:00 and 10:00 services on Easter morning.
• To Brett Dimmer, Jennifer Dimmer, Jamie Karrels and Mark MacRae for providing Easter Brass at our 8:00 and 10:00 services on Easter morning.
• To Jane and Mike Spalding for arranging the Easter flowers in the church sanctuary.
• To Kathy Bretl for providing Special Music for our Good Friday service and for our 6:00 Sunrise Service on Easter morning.
• To Cathy Jones for serving as a reader for our Good Friday service.
• To Jeanne Mantsch, Ken Matthews, John Norman, Karl Pradel, Jane Schneider and Diana Schroeder for serving as readers for our Maundy Thursday service.
• To Barb Bahr, Brett Dimmer, Tracy Greymont and Mike Spalding, along with Sherri Melichar, for providing Special Music for our Maundy Thursday service.
• To Matthew Dimmer for serving as an acolyte for our Maundy Thursday service.
• To Susan Skowbo for baking unleavened bread for our Maundy Thursday service.
• To Terry Sdun and Holly Ternes for serving freshly baked cinnamon rolls following both services on Palm Sunday.
• To Pru Palecek and her good friend, Glenyss Gilliam, for providing special music on Palm Sunday morning, April 14.
• To the Handbell Choir for providing Special Music for the 10:00 service on Palm Sunday.
• To Caitlin Calder and her family for providing Nursery Care on Sunday morning, April 14.
• To Savannah Anderson, Jennifer Dimmer, Tina Olson, Dawn Rychtik and Joe and Grace Wilsnack, members of our Church School Team, who helped with our Church School Sunday in April.
• To Abbey Proctor and her family for providing Nursery Care on Sunday morning, April 7.
• To Roberta Blumenberg, Alice Ruffin and Jane Schwacher for hosting Fellowship Hour after the 8:00 service on Sunday morning, April 7.
• To Jeanne Mantsch and Paula Wesley for serving as our official delegates at the Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Conference.
• To Jane Spalding for creating the Lenten flower arrangement for the church sanctuary.
April 3, 2019
March 21, 2019
March 14, 2019
The United Church of Christ has two wonderful camps. Pilgrim Center is located on Green Lake near Ripon, and Moon Beach is located way up north near St. Germain. You can visit to check out the camp offerings. Click here to see what scholarships are available. Please contact Amy Gilhooly, our Communications Director, at if you have any questions.
On Palm Sunday, April 14, we joined Christians in four other denominations in receiving the annual One Great Hour of Sharing offering. This special offering supports the mission work of our own United Church of Christ and our interfaith partner, Church World Service. As you might expect, much of this work is done in response to catastrophic events: earthquakes, floods, droughts and wars, but more than half of the offering supports long-term rehabilitation and development projects in more than 80 countries. You might like to know that 95 cents of every dollar contributed goes directly to mission. Click here for more information. You may contribute until the end of the month.
Church School meets on the second Sunday of each month at 10:00. All children 4K through 7th grade are invited to participate. Our next Church School Sunday is Sunday, May 12.
We celebrate a Family Service typically on the fourth Sunday of each month at 10:00. The service includes the participation of our 8th Grade Confirmation Class and Children's Choirs. Our next Family Service is Sunday morning, May 19.
The Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ challenged local congregations to study the Doctrine of Discovery. Our Community Outreach Team conducted three Doctrine of Discovery Study Sessions this past February. We are pleased to announce that the Doctrine of Discovery was officially repudiated at this year's Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Conference.
Almost thirty years ago, a woman named Ruth Miller contributed six ceramic mice to the church sanctuary. For many years, children of all ages moved them around the sanctuary, to surprise and scare us! When Ruth died, there was only one mouse left. It lives on the chancel window sill. Last month, Paula Wesley contributed six felt mice to the church sanctuary. Please feel free to move them around. They are almost life-like and are sure to surprise us for many years to come!
Our church provides overnight volunteers for Family Promise. We are in need of another couple, or two individuals, willing to support the program in this way. For more information, please contact Jeanne Mantsch at
The 32nd General Synod of the United Church of Christ will be held in Milwaukee June 21-25. Volunteers are needed to assist with the entire convention, including providing housing for delegates coming from other parts of the country. For more information, please contact Jeanne Mantsch at
Our church has partnered with four other churches in Port Washington and Saukville to form an Ecumenical Youth Ministry for middle and high school youth. Please check out Lighthouse - Port Washington Saukville Ecumenical Youth Ministry on Facebook to learn more about the group. Click here to view a short video that was shown at the Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Conference UCC at the beginning of April.
We host a Fellowship Hour following our 8:00 service on the first Sunday of each month, and following our 10:00 services on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Every Sunday morning during the 10:00 service we provide a nursery for children newborn through 4-years-old. Care is provided by our 8th grade Confirmation students and their families. Parents are required to register their children, and to sign their children in and out of the nursery. We want to do our very best to make the nursery safe and secure.
Every Wednesday at Noon, you are invited to meet Jeff at church for lunch and Bible study. The group always takes time to visit before reflecting upon the lectionary reading for the upcoming Sunday. Coffee is provided, but please bring your own lunch.
Men in the church are invited to gather for breakfast every Thursday morning, at 8:00, at the Dockside Deli. The group often has fun considering a Question of the Day.
A gentle yoga class is held in Fellowship Hall every Wednesday evening from 5:15 - 6:15. The cost is $10 per class. For more information, please contact Susan Niederfrank at
An AA Group meets at our church every Sunday afternoon at 3:00. For more information, please contact the church office.