News and Announcements
• To the following church members who have been appointed to serve on the Search Committee: Kurt Blum, Brad Katzer, Doug McManus, Joe Mueller (Chair), Sarah Riemer, Shandy Roehrig, Holly Ternes, Joe Wilsnack (Youth Reprentative) and Grace Wilsnack (Youth Representative).
Special Thanks
• To Beckie Perez for planting the flower pots outside the church entryway.
• To Mike Dimmer for cleaning the gutters on the north side of the church.
• To Alex Funk and Emily Kapszukiewicz for assisting Jeff in leading our 8th Grade Confirmation Class for the past two years.
• To Joy Bloemer for handwriting the Confirmation certificates.
• To everyone who supported our commitment to Family Promise in May: Lynn Barber, David Franks, Geri Fromm, Lorraine Halls, Dave Mantsch, Jeanne Mantsch, Terry McManus, Louise Mollinger, Jane Schneider, Mark Sdun, Terry Sdun, Jane Spalding and Dianne Taylor.
• To Joe and Bev Mueller for cleaning, and removing the old carpet, in the Sanctuary storage closet.
April 24, 2019
April 3, 2019
March 21, 2019
March 14, 2019
During the summer months, from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend, we celebrate with one service on Sunday mornings at 9:00.
The Search Committee will be meeting for the first time on Monday evening, June 12. Rev. Franz Rigert, our Wisconsin Conference Minister, will explain the entire search process, along with how to complete our Church Profile.UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CAMPS
The United Church of Christ has two wonderful camps. Pilgrim Center is located on Green Lake near Ripon, and Moon Beach is located way up north near St. Germain. You can visit to check out the camp offerings. Click here to see what scholarships are available. Please contact Amy Gilhooly, our Communications Director, at if you have any questions.
The 32nd General Synod of the United Church of Christ will be held in Milwaukee June 21-25. Volunteers are needed to assist with the entire convention, including providing housing for delegates coming from other parts of the country. For more information, please contact Jeanne Mantsch at
Every year, members and friends of our church participate in charitable fundraising events (walks, runs, bike rides, etc.) helping to raise thousands of dollars for a variety of worthy causes. As a church community, we support these efforts by contributing $100 per event from our Local Mission Fund. If you are planning to participate in one of these fundraisers, please complete and submit the Charitable Fundraiser Contribution Request form.
Our church partnered with four other churches in Port Washington and Saukville to form the Lighthouse Youth Ministry. Please check out Lighthouse - Port Washington Saukville Ecumenical Youth Ministry on Facebook to learn more about the group. Click here to view a short video that was shown at the Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Conference UCC at the beginning of April.
Every Sunday morning during the 10:00 service we provide a nursery for children newborn through 4-years-old. Care is provided by our 8th grade Confirmation students and their families. Parents are required to register their children, and to sign their children in and out of the nursery. We want to do our very best to make the nursery safe and secure.
Men in the church are invited to gather for breakfast every Thursday morning, at 8:00, at the Dockside Deli in Port Washington.
A gentle yoga class is held in Fellowship Hall every Wednesday evening from 5:15 - 6:15. The cost is $10 per class. For more information, please contact Susan Niederfrank at
An AA Group meets at our church every Sunday afternoon at 3:00. For more information, please contact the church office.