News and Announcements



• To Kim and Sven Olsen on the birth of their second daughter, Elva, born on Tuesday, October 22.

• To Raymond Allen Manderscheid, son of Meghan and Wes, and grandson of Bruce and Janet, who was baptized into the Christian faith on Saturday, October 26.

• To Graham Victor Phillips, son of Katie and Patrick, who was baptized into the Christian faith on Sunday, October 20.

• To Elliot Ray Lackovic, son of Allison and Marcus, who was baptized into the Christian faith on Sunday, October 13.

• To Oliver Charles Werner, son of Ashley and Tony, who was baptized into the Christian faith on Sunday, October 13.

Special Thanks

• To the Fellowship Team for hosting the Open House in celebration of Jeff on Sunday afternoon, October 27. Thanks to the many folks who brought an appetizer or dessert and helped out!

• To Brett Dimmer for preparing the 15 minute slideshow shown at the Open House.

• To Kay Rego for helping to create the interactive Timeline for the Open House.

• To the Fellowship Team for hosting Fellowship Hour after the 10:00 service on Sunday morning, October 27.

• To Karen Oftedahl for singing Go Now In Peace at the end of the 10:00 service on Sunday morning, October 27.

• To Brynn Nelson and her family for providing Nursery Care on Sunday morning, October 27.

• To Tracy Bretl and Phil Stepanski for hosting Fellowship Hour after the 8:00 service on Sunday morning, October 27.

• To Jane Spalding for creating a Liturgical Calendar altar flower arrangement for the last Sunday in October.

• To Jeanne Mantsch for bringing homemade "vintage" bars to Wednesday Lunch at Church.

• To Jane Spalding for bringing a homemade pumpkin pie to Wednesday Lunch at Church.

• To Bill Greymont for bringing sub sandwiches, for everyone, to Wednesday Lunch at Church.

• To Mike Spalding for helping to assemble and install our new Liturgical Calendar.

• To Jane Spalding and Jane Suddendorf for coordinating the Liturgical Calendar Church School project. Wait until you see it!

• To Lainey Holmes and her family for providing Nursery Care on Sunday morning, October 20.

• To Brian and Jeanne Weir and the Umhoefer Family for hosting Fellowship Hour after the 10:00 service on Sunday morning, October 13.

• To Savannah AndersonSarah Bloemer, Jennifer Dimmer, Tina Olson, Shandy Roehrig, Dawn Rychtik and Joe and Grace Wilsnack, members of our Church School Team, who helped with our Church School Sunday in October.

• To Roberta Blumenburg, Alice Ruffin and Jane Schwacher for hosting Fellowship Hour after the 8:00 service on Sunday morning, October 6.


October 24, 2019

October 10, 2019

October 2, 2019

September 26, 2019

September 19, 2019

September 12, 2019

September 4, 2019

August 27, 2019

August 21, 2019

August 2, 2019

July 17, 2019

July 8, 2019

June 27, 2019

June 20, 2019

June 6, 2019

May 22, 2019

May 15, 2019

May 9, 2019

May 1, 2019

April 24, 2019

April 17, 2019

April 3, 2019

March 27, 2019
March 21, 2019
March 14, 2019

March 7, 2019

February 6, 2019

January 30, 2019

January 16, 2019

January 9, 2019

2018 July-December

2018 January-June

2017 July-December

2017 January-June


This coming Sunday, November 3, is All Saints Sunday in the life of our church.  We remember all those members and friends who have died in the course of the past year. Rev. Don Niederfrank will be conducting both services.


Daylight Saving Time ends this coming Sunday, November 3. Please don’t forget to set your clock back one hour. Otherwise, you will be early for church on Sunday morning!


As many of you know, Jeff retired at the end of October. His last Sunday was October 27.
Jeff's Farewell Letter


The Church Council has selected an Interim Minister, who will begin serving the church the first week in November and conduct services beginning on Sunday morning, November 10.


The Search Committee completed a final draft of our Local Church Profile at the end of August. Rev. Franz Rigert, our Conference Minister, reviewed it, and it was launched on the national UCC website in September. Candidates are able to send their Ministerial Profiles to the Conference office. The Search Committee will receive the first set of these profiles at the beginning of November.
Meet the Search Committee


All five churches have agreed to contribute $5,000 per year to support the Lighthouse Youth Ministry. Our church contributed $2,500 from our Mission Fund earlier this year, and we challenged the congregation to raise the other $2,500. A board was covered with tags indicating various dollar amounts from $10 to $100. We are pleased to report that all tags were taken. Congratulations!


Church School meets on the second Sunday of each month at 10:00. All children 4K through 7th grade are invited to participate. Our next Church School Sunday is Sunday morning, November 10.

We celebrate a Family Service on the fourth Sunday of each month at 10:00. The service includes the participation of our 8th Grade Confirmation Class and Children's Choirs. Our next Family Service is this coming Sunday morning, November 24.


Our church partners with four other churches in Port Washington and Saukville to support the Lighthouse Youth Ministry for middle and high schoolers. To learn more about the group, visit their website and check out Lighthouse - Port Washington Saukville Ecumenical Youth Ministry on Facebook. Click here for their calendar of events.


Every Sunday morning during the 10:00 service we provide a nursery for children newborn through 4-years-old. Care is provided by our 8th grade Confirmation students and their families. Parents are required to register their children, and to sign their children in and out of the nursery. We want to do our very best to make the nursery safe and secure.


We host a Fellowship Hour following our 8:00 service on the first Sunday of each month, and following our 10:00 services on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.


Every Wednesday at Noon, you are invited to meet Jeff at church for lunch and Bible study. The group always takes time to visit before reflecting upon the lectionary reading for the upcoming Sunday. Coffee is provided, but please bring your own lunch.


Men in the church are invited to gather for breakfast every Thursday morning, at 8:00. The group meets at The Beacon restaurant in The Harborview hotel in downtown Port Washington.


A yoga class is held in Fellowship Hall every Wednesday evening from 5:15 - 6:15. The cost is $10 per class. For more information, please contact Susan Niederfrank at


A meditation class is held in Fellowship Hall every Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 8:00. The cost is $10 per class. For more information, please contact Kierstin Cira at


An AA Group meets at our church every Sunday afternoon at 3:00. For more information, please contact the church office.

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